After the dirt-packed moral policing by “oh os fake” Hindutva groups like Ram Sene , the Pink Chaddi Campaign is grt way to express anger, protest the filths and support human right in this “oh so democratic country”.
The campaign states: “You may have heard of the Pink Chaddi Campaign that kicked off three days ago to oppose the Sri Ram Sene. The campaign is growing exponentially (1,300 at this point in the life of our Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women) and that is not surprising. Most women in this country have enough curbs on their lives without a whole new franchise cashing in with their bully-boy tactics. Of course, a lot of men have joined the group as well. Here is what we want to do with the Pink Chaddi Campaign. Join in. Be imaginative, have fun and fight back!”
Have a look:
the smart campaign is growing among Inglodians and Indians.

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