The details being given below.
Kaustav SenGupta
73% of the people believe commitment as to be the first and the foremost part of love when asked in a closed answer but again when asked in an open ended question as to what are their expectation from their partner, only 5% of the people says that they want their partner to be committed because with the changing trend 30% of the people prefer their partner to be understanding and 24% want to be honest.
Again 51% of the people still believe in emotional reason to be the reason for falling in love but the trend is changing as 28% of the people think being physical to be the reason for falling in love
Now a days, people are becoming more self cantered and don’t bother much about the society as they gave society as to the 4th preference in their life …1st being family as 53% of the people believe family as their first preference and 39% voted career as second preference. Love comes as 3rd preference with only 8% voting. Hence the priority of life for Indian youth remains as family and career.
With the increase in exhibitionism everyone wants to be different and everyone wants to be accepted by the society therefore talking about the change in the definition of love, 21% of the people believe that love is just a status symbol and 19% think that people are more towards physical needs then towards emotional, reason being westernisation as said by 24% of the people and then love being the social symbol 22% of the people said society plays an important role in changing the definition of love.
Love is changed or it is just the perception of people changed, this question runs in everyone’s mind because now people also suffer from side effects of love as 24% of the people think it leads to emotional breakdown of the person and it makes the person to do a lot of compromises but still people being very conscious towards their career only 8% believe that it distract a person from the path of making his career.
Again asking in the nutshell about the change in love in its true sense 60% of the people said that love is not changed .so, this clearly shows that today’s youth is confused who wants to get true love but in a modified version which should be suitable to their needs and demand, and which be spacious enough so that they can move on without making any compromise and without taking responsibilities but again as they move on stread of life towards making their career and so called “LIFE” they feel someone to be their but no one is ready to make compromises and no one wants the to change and because of the availability of multiple options no one even cares, but somewhere down the track everyone wants someone and love has not changed as stated by 60% of the sample’s population.
Trends to follow...
The mythology of romantic love will continue to hold sway, at least over the young greenhorns / inexperienced.
More couples will decide to live together without getting officially or legally married.
They will be free to create their own relationship contracts— written or unwritten.
Renewable marriages will become more common. The relationships will be agreed to last for a certain duration, after which they will either expire or be renewed.
Same-sex marriages will become more common and less controversial, Gay and lesbian couples will feel free to make their relationships open and public. Many states and countries will legalize same-sex marriage.
For those people who have transcended the threat of jealousy, loving more than one person at the same time will become more common. (POLYAMORY)
The minimum age for falling in love will decrease as people are moving more towrds exhibitionism.
More possessiveness and more commitment among the couple if they decide to marry each other, definitely people become choosy about their partner but once decided they will become very much possessive.
Copyright : INgene & Gaurav, Chennai-India
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