" For me freedom is there should be no reservation for any catagory in all the sectors. People should be free to compete & get the success on merit basis not on cast basis. "
- dhavelpatel24
"Freedom means to live with dignity in an atmosphere where everyone gets an opportunity to share the fruits of the development of our country. Freedom to climb up the social ladder i.e. to enhance the social, economical, educational, cultural and political status without any discrimination of one's place of birth, language, region, caste, religion and also the social background. It is the responsibility of the government that our hard earned freedom is protected and promoted without prejudice to any section of the society. Further, it is also the oneros responsibility of the government to protect the weaker and poorer sections of he society from oppression, suppression and blatant exploitation. And ultimately the government should see that all are given equal opportunities to grow and prosperous in their field of choice. Lastly, we have to analyse that how far we have succeeded in eradicating the poverty, illiteracy and unemployment from our country, even after more than six decades and find out the reason for remedial action on war footing basis. Hope, the Central and State Governments shall awake from the slumber and work for achieving the real freedom to all the citizens of our country! "
- surendran. govindan
"freedom to me means when you can challange the SELECTIVE use of power by those authorised to use power whether in government, judiciary , police etc.and follow the rules of the land."
"Ask a poor father what does freedom mean to him & he will give the answer that freedom means money to him. The money, which can save his only child’s life dying with a dieses. Ask a farmer working on the fields that what does freedom mean to him & he will give the answer that freedom means water to him.
Ask the only soldier fighting the enemy in a battlefield that what does freedom mean to him & he will give the answer that freedom means winning to him and ask anyone they all will have their own viewpoints regarding freedom.
But to me freedom is power, its power to fight myself, my fears, my inhibitions, and my blind thinking in the system. The system which plays with people’s lives, their future & their aspirations.
Freedom to me is responsibility. Its responsibility to maintain this freedom.Its responsibility to be ready for country, to be ready for sacrifice for the honor of the country.
Freedom is speech to me. Its speech to speak for the deprived & needy.
Freedom is knowledge to me. Its knowledge to be given to the greedy, greedy for money & greedy for self.
Freedom is music to me. Its music to be played in praise of the soldiers who died for the country & for the ones yet to come.
And lastly freedom is life to me, its life to live hundred times for the mankind, after dying hundred times."
- amitsaini4k5
"no corruption,education for all (proper),food for all,shelter for all. "
- asitpoddar
"Freedom means change in all the systems of work (i.e, political system, official system, change in education system etc.)
everything should be changed which the britishers has applied.
I want country free from corruptions etc then these should be changed
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
Vande matram "
- jm_solanki
Source: http://in.messages.yahoo.com/Top_Stories/threadview?m=te&bn=aug-iday&tid=1&mid=1&frt=2#1
I was watching the movie Gandhi (its the 15th time am watching by default...u know, each 15th august it has to be religiously telecasted in India) and revealed three truth :
1. Now we have millions of suckers as of British in India...and unfortunately they all r desis (the netas, cops, policy makers etc.)...hence I was wondering what policy and ideology Mr. Gandhi would have followed for these pigs.
2. Though we call ourselves Indians but the system and bureaucracy remains as British...is tht means we are actually dumb to create / or at least discover (from ancient Indian kingdoms) our own systems and policies?
3. The movie created the same impact as of slumdog m. at least in the silver screen...but we were not able to make any move after tht...in terms of Bollywood. hence, the theme as India will be explored further by various directors world over in future but tht will anyway not push/help/ benefit utopian Indian movie world.-
Being a minority in India... an article...

Source of this article: OPEN - Volume 01 Issue 23 www.openthemagazine.com
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