It is a tool for me to understand the AIO (Attitude, Interests & Opinion) of youth in India. Recently INgene did a study on the same through primary data analysis of the influencers and I am publishing some interesting insights here.
The most important trait is the confidence level of youth to use desi slang. Earlier desi / local slang were considered “cheap” and "uncool” but, now the usage of desi slang are becoming more popular & cooler among the educated and globally aware youth in India...this shows their growing confidence in desi roots unlike the earlier generation who preferred English slang to showoff that they are elite.
* copyright to Kaustav SG
few "less abusive" desi (hindi, punjabi, tamil) slangs are here:
Babalog : n. a young, Westernized social group or individual concerned with wealth, pop culture fads, appearance, material goods, or other superficialities; a yuppy or yuppies.
KLPD : n. sexual frustration; blue balls; unfulfilled (sexual) desire or an unfulfilled promise; (hence) a letdown, a disappointment.
Chamcha : n. a sycophant, toady, or hanger-on.
Fatfatiya: An old-style, noisy three-wheeler, named so after the irritating noise
Fittoos: Absolutely perfect! Sweet!
jhakkas: Absolutely perfect! Sweet!
Kuttiya ki Aulad: Son of a Bitch
Sala gandu: You are an a**hole
Tapori: Street smart youth; urchin.
Tharki: horny male or female
Thulla: delhi cop
Mama: Mumbai cop
Bhadwa: Pimp
dalal: Tout
Raapchik maal: Hot girl
Phukra: guy with no money
Addha: Half litre of booze in a bottle
Pawwa: Quarter of booze in a bottle
Peti: RS 100000
Jugad: managing with whatever you have.
Lapet: Long tales
420: A crook or fraud
Sadakchap: Street hoodlum
Mamaghar: Prison
Gangajal: Alcohol
Sanki: Crazy
Mariyal: Weak
Bunking: Unauthorized absence
Lafada: Affair
Ghanta: literally means a clock.a must use slang in many contexts. generally used to express disbelief,anger,laughter and so on.
Bhenji: Female laggard
Tatta , ghusso: a sycophant, toady, or hanger-on
Tatti: Waste (n)
Teer , Cheetah: Over smart
G.P.L.( Gan* pe lath) : a dismissal
Pen de Takkey : old buddy
Khotya: Donkey
Otha..: Your mother...
Machaa: brother in law
Vaya muddey: Shut up
Po da: Get lost
Kaustav SenGupta
Further reading:
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