Red is a color which has deep rooted spiritual, sentimental and customary value in India. It’s a color related to celebration and it’s a color related to everyday terrorism!…it’s the color of new beginning (sindoor, chura / red bangles, new saree for the bride, morning prayer to the god...) and it’s the color of end ( newspaper made us at ease with the bomb blasted bullet tagged bodies…now we drink morning tea with bloody dead bodies, actually)…the Bollywood has a history of red+yellow / red+black movie frames…the first populer desi super hero (shaktiman) had a red and gold costume..most of the gods / goddesses are made to wear red...most of the successful mass brands in India has their names in red! Red is also the second most searched color in Internet!

(survey graph from Google Insights and all photos from net)
Kaustav SenGupta
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