If the reports are to be believed, there is a steady raise of Satanism / Satan worshipping among the youth of India. At certain states, the situations are worst and beyond control. Specially in the states where Christians are in majority (Nagaland, Mizoram, Kerala etc.) the youth are turning towards satanic practices.
Recently the churches were attacked by alleged Satan worshippers in Mijoram and Kerala. Last year, at least three incidents occurred in Mizoram where miscreants draw a star surrounded by a circle - a well-known Satanic symbol - in front of the altar and set Bibles on fire inside it.

In 1st October 2013 there was an incident of attempted theft at St Antony’s CMI Monastery Church, Aluva, Kerala. Following reports that Black Mass is gaining momentum in the state, Alappuzha Bishop Stephen Athipozhiyil Cochi had issued a pastoral letter asking laity to be vigilant about the activities of such groups. However, the Aluva police maintain that the incident at St Antony’s Chapel was just another case of attempted theft. “We could not trace any link that leads to Black Mass.” Black Mass is believed to be celebrated during the Witches’ Sabbath and the sacred host is profaned through bizarre sexual rituals.
In April 16, 2013 The Telegraph newspaper from Kohima, Nagaland wrote “Christian leaders will hold a “transformation crusade” from April 24 to 30 in a bid to stop teenagers and youths from allegedly practising Satan worship. The news paper also added “Church leaders of Nagaland claimed that in Kohima alone, 3,000 people, who are mostly teenagers and youths, have taken up such practices… Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, senior pastor of Koinonia Baptist Church said the cult was practiced by youths in schools and colleges and added it has been going on for the past four to five years. The Baptist clergyman said youngsters have imbibed the culture through social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter. “There is an identity crisis among our youths and thus being led to such practices.” Rev. Shan Kikon, senior pastor and founder of Faith Harvest Church, said he was not sure about the number of Satan worshippers here but claimed to have come across such persons recently. Kikon said such practices begin with curiosity and obsession. “I have come across even a Class VI student practicing Satan worship,” Rev. Kiewhuo said. He said teenagers and youths were easily influenced by the alien culture through social websites and friends. He said several parents have come to him to rescue their children from such practices…” 75% of them are girls. The Indian Express, dated October 6th 2013 reported “In God’s own state the Devil seems to be in demand. The buzz among Catholics who constitute over 20 per cent of the population is that a large number of believers have turned towards Satan and are practicing Black Mass or Satan Worship, according to priests.”
Interestingly, The non Christian dominated cities like Bangalore and Pune are also getting into the grip of satanic practices. In Pondicherry and Goa, Ingene correspondents reported various satanic groups and activities. In Calcutta / Kolkata the existence of an underground Satanism inspired group “Order of 9 Angles” is noted. The individuals mostly refer/ follow satanic churches and satanic bible. The satanic church even has online presence: http://www.churchofsatan.com/ with various discussion forums as this : http://www.satannet.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=488124
The satanic church website states that it is “dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions.”
2 psychographic key trends observed are: Satanism is ‘cool’ and it’s for them who dares to be ‘intellectuals’ (yet introvert in their social existence). It’s also becoming popular due to the lack of fear on god and easily accessible social media references. The news like this spreads virally among youth: http://screen.yahoo.com/10-terrifying-cases-demonic-possession-163018587.html
The history of black magic in India is evident from time immortal. In Assam, there’s a place called Mayong which was the ‘capital of black magic’ in India during medieval period. Situated at 40 km from Guwahati and once considered the cradle of black magic in the country, Mayong is today a place of tourist attraction because of its history. But, in contemporary India, there was never such a surge of Satanism among the youth, as today.
here's a map of places where Satanism are spreading faster:
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