1. Chat friends...some of the chat friends are very distant, they have not even met/ know the person...more of a virtual friendship where the face is replaced by codes, user-names, texts)
2. SNS (Facebook) friends... the friends are still virtual, but much closer, they r having "visual representation", day to day activities can be tracked, more "homely" and more "reliable"
3. Phonebook friends... close freinds who's "true identity" is known...represented by numbers...and much reliable
4. Blackberry chat friends.... micro circle of friends....same / similer AIOs... BB pin is shared, so very much reliable!
the real life friends are also interwoven in above 4 categories...one can be present in the phone book, Facebook page and BB chat list (so they can stay in more than one group at a time).
Among the "real life friends" their depth of friendship is determined on which list they are...whether he/ she is a BB chat "real life" friend (close/ best friends only) or the facebook "real life friend" ("ok" friends to "best" friends)...
Interestingly, the visuals are becoming more "general" (in this world of visuals, thrs no exclusivity in it) ...the voice is more "personal"...the emotions can be "felt" in voice than visuals.... everybody knows, today, the visuals can be "manipulated" by anybody (PHOTOSHOPIFICATION of the world, i call it).
Hence, visuals are becoming "secondary priority" in friendship "core group"
I have proposed below model to measure the "depth and intense" of friendships among the youth, which can be a good tool for the ethnographers and brands to find their focus groups/ promote/ building networks/ understanding activities...

you can mail me /chat/ call for further discussions...

(the discussion on this topic at my facebook page is added above...the "like"s shows how many youth in India are supporting this...)
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