About INgene blog : First ever Indian Youth trend Insights blog
This blog explores the detailed characteristics of Young-India and explains the finer & crucial differences they have with their global peers. The blog also establishes the theory of “adopted differentiation” (Copyright Kaustav SG,2007) and how the Indian & Inglodian youth are using this as a tool to differentiate themselves from the “aam aadmi” (mass population of India) to establish their new found identity.
The term youth refers to persons who are no longer children and not yet adults. Used colloquially, however the term generally refers to a broader, more ambiguous field of reference- from the physically adolescent to those in their late twenties.
Though superficially the youth all over the world exhibits similar [degree of] attitude, [traits of] interests & [deliverance of] opinion but a detailed observation reveals the finer differential characteristics which are crucial and often ignored while targeting this group as a valued consumer base. India is one of the youngest countries in the world with 60% of its population less then 24 years of age and is charted as the most prospective destination for the retail investment in the A. T. Kearney’s Global Retail Opportunity Report, 2007. With the first ever non-socialistic generation’s thriving aspiration & new found money power combined with steadily growing GDP, bubbling IT industry and increasing list of confident young entrepreneurs, the scenario appears very lucrative for the global and local retailers to target the “Youngisthan” (young-India). But, the secret remains in the understanding of the finer AIOs of this generation. The Indian youth segment roughly estimates close to 250million (between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five) and can be broadly divided (socio-psychologically) into three categories: the Bharatiyas, the Indians & the Inglodians (copyright Kaustav SG 2008). The Bharatiyas estimating 67% of the young population lives in the rural (R1, R2 to R4 SEC) areas with least influence of globalization, high traditional values. They are least economically privileged, most family oriented Bollywood influenced generation. The Indians constitute 31.5% (A, B,C, D & E SEC) and have moderate global influence. They are well aware of the global trends but rooted to the Indian family values, customs and ethos. The Inglodians are basically the creamy layers (A1,A SEC) and marginal (1.5% or roughly three million) in number though they are strongly growing (70% growth rate). Inglodians are affluent and consume most of the trendy & luxury items. They are internet savvy & the believers of global-village (a place where there is no difference between east & west, developing & developed countries etc.), highly influenced by the western music, food, fashion & culture yet Indian at heart.
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Friday, September 23, 2011
Indian youth is comfortable to add their parents in facebook
It's interesting to know that some of them has dual account! one for parents and other for friends/ 'not so known friends'. 'tatz y i hav 2 account .. 1 fr ma family member and known... another for making frndz nd known frnds.... :-'.
source: http://campus.yahoo.com/debates/friend-your-parents-facebook-c659f8f55dae1fd452c753534286193ba8b1d1e4
Thursday, September 15, 2011
the youth in India- La Tomatnia or anna team?

To me, India is not one country but a "theme & ideology" under which many countries stay together...the demography, psychography and even economy changes in each 500kms...we have more than 200 languages, varied cultures, rituals, society. Even the religious belief for each religion are diversified (even within same religion)...it is actually very tough to create one movement pan-India.
Interestingly, I understood that we do have common AIOs (Youth segment) for few factors...one of them is the "hatred against the politicians and bureaucrats". the "anna team" (the team behind anti corruption movement in India) understood it well and created the movement successfully. This is the first ever post-independent movement in India which appeals to all the youth in India across the demography, culture, class, economy and social barrier. the team successfully promoted it through alternative media, word-of-mouth, open press, radio stations to gather support. The govt was bent, finally.
in other hand, we have "other india" who lives in socio-cultural Utopia and dreams of being "exotic" in this very country.
In the wake of a popular Bollywood movie which glorified Spain through its crap story, half Indian actress and a six fingered Hero, the “La Tomatnia” came in India!
The original La Tomatina festival which once started in Spain (once a year) to overcome the over-production of Tomatoes and reincarnate Spanish tourism is now being enthusiastically “copied” as a “social activity” by some enthusiasts in Bangaluru and Delhi! It’s unfortunate that we, being Indian, fail to understand that this country is culturally rich enough to arrange or re-invent any mode of “social activity” (which is fit for our demography) rather than merely copying the “others”. A socio-cultural activity as “Holi” (which unfortunately became religious, later) was designed by our fore-fathers to initiate the social network, break self-barrier, social belonging, spreading happiness and peace; the same motto, that La Tomatnia has in Spain.
The fetish of being “westernized” is rooted so deep in our gene that we fail to recognize the price of a tomato (in India) vis a vis the hungry Indians (for original La Tomatina at Spain, the tomatoes come from Extremadura, where they are less expensive and are grown specifically for the holidays, being of inferior taste)!
Or is it actually a fetish of showing off the power of money to the “other India”? A fetish that is growing in monstrous proportion in the cities like Bangaluru and Delhi… “See I can smash so many tomatoes with my girlfriend which you might never have eaten in your life”…a Spanish dream in dreadful Bangaluru traffic!
The most common disease in “India.inc” is ‘living in a socio-cultural Utopia’ which many youth relishes everyday. When these day dreams break, they lands into the Smokey, polluted, poverty ridden, class barricaded roads of modern India…
Read more about Anna team and La Tomatina, India:
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
celebs are encashing on "anna phenomenon"!
Brand Anna has gone beyond corruption; marketers have begun dismantling the components of Anna Hazare's successful sway over India in what is now acclaimed as the biggest online and offline public campaign India has ever seen.
Many have already jumped the gun, and latched on to Annagiri to promote subjects Anna Hazare might not endorse, or even be aware of.
Arindam Chaudhary: Ramlila Maidan, Day 11
IIPM thought beyond the Nobel, and created the Rabindranath Tagore Peace Prize. Even after Anna Hazare rejected the one crore rupee prize this year for undisclosed reasons, Arindam Chaudhary somehow got on the stage on Day 11 of Anna's protest. With Mahatma Gandhi's giant poster and his sequel listening on, he ranted about murdering "some two hundred million people of our country before the age of 40…" so that we can live till 80.
This, from the founder of an institute which sued Google(!) for unfavorable results, sued a media house for an unfavorable article and just lost a defamation case against a website after the court quashed the case.
Sankalp Srivastava: 'Anna Chalisa'
Anna Chalisa, a five minute track was written, composed and sung by him, and Sankalp even distributed free CDs to support India Against Corruption.
Unlike Arindam's rant on the Ramlila Maidan, Sankalp Srivastava's Anna Chalisa could be a genuine case of Anna-holism.
But Sankalp's background as an event manager makes this suspect; free giveaways are an old marketing gimmick. The poor are always poor, the protesters are always protesting - where was Sankalp when we needed him then?
Sanjay Leela Bhansali: My Friend Anna
There's a lot of Bollywood regulars on the social activism scene. Rahul Bose was quietly lending a hand in the rubble of the Indian tsunami, and even owns an NGO.
Shabani Azmi has done a lot of children and women's rights, the rights of displaced migrants.She' also the Goodwill Ambassador of the UNPF as well as for the HIV/AIDS programmes for SAARC region. Gul Panag works actively for Col. Shamsher Singh Foundation and Gul 4 Change to work for gender equality, addiction awareness, education and employment, environment and disaster management.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali has never been seen doing anything - even light a candle at the fashionable vigils. And now he's distributing 'My Friend Anna' T shirts to blatantly promote his upcoming My Friend Pinto.
KRK, Salina Wali Khan, Yoggitta Dandekar: Stripping for Anna Hazare
Kamaal Rashid Khan tweeted his willingness to strip at Ramlila Maidan. In his own embarrassing words: "bhai logon maine kapde nikal diye hain. barish ho rahi hai na. Ramleela maidan mai nanga baithoonga.(sic)." (Brothers, I have taken off my clothes. It's raining. I will sit naked at Ramlila Maidan)
Ditto for Yuvraaj Parashar (seen in 'Dunno Y... Na Jaane Kyon' )..'I will strip for Anna. He is like a God to me,' says Yuvraaj "I am totally inspired by Anna Hazare. Woh humein batana chahte hain ki humein apne haq ke liye ladna chahiye. And this is why I am giving my support to his cause, totally."
Marathi actress Yoggitta Dandekar's willing to do a Poonam Pandey; she's ready to run topless in a marathon if Anna wins, or so she claims. She's already painted her body in the tricolor to support to "pledge support" to Anna Hazare's cause.
Salina Wali Khan is willing to do the opposite. The Delhi-based actor and model has claimed that she will dance naked if Anna's Jan-Lokpal Bill is not passed.
Amusingly, she also stated: 'My decision is not for gaining publicity. I am not like other models who make controversial claims for grabbing eyeballs. I am not doing it to be famous but for the common people."
Federation of Indian Animals Protection Organisation: Donkey Rights
In a letter to Anna Hazare, the organization wrote of India's 1.6 million donkeys, used as "objects to mock at corrupt officials…"instead of being treated as the "innocent, hard working animals who truly bear the burden of the world"
The donkeys, FIAPO wrote, "were undoubtedly terrified and confused…" and "had no vote in the matter", requesting Anna to ask his followers to not use donkeys as symbols of corrupt politicans
DJ Jenni: Stripping Against the Casting Couch
"We need an Anna Hazare in film and music to curb this menace… ", says Jenny D, talking about the "open secret" of the casting couch in Bollywood and Indian music industry.
Mumbai based DJ, Jenni Costa has launched a Facebook campaign called
'Fight the Casting Couch', and has received support from Citizen Action Forum.
According to her: "Has anyone wondered why there are so many female singers and musicians, but hardly any female Music Directors in the film industry? The reason is simple - the Casting Couch. I myself have been a victim of this nasty phenomenon, and I had to face humiliation in the past. I know a lot of girls who just give in because they have almost no other option…"
However, apart from regular posts from Page Admin to invite others, there is nothing actually happening on the Facebook Page. There's a post about 'Ten Bollywood Models' who will strip nude to support the cause, but no one knows how they are. Another Poonam Pandey?Source: http://www.mensxp.com/
"Anna phenomenon" is not "cool" to all!
Below are few Social Network groups who's talking against the "Anna phenomenon" but supporting the "anti-corruption" movement:
Democracy is the freedom to wear an I Am Not Anna T shirt in the public and not get beaten up.
TV news didn't give you all the facts - it was clearly fighting for TRPs, byte for Anna byte, to offer viewers counterpoints to the Jan Lokpal, or even to Anna himself.
Neither did the newspapers, if the headlines of two of India's leading English newspapers during the Anna fest are counted.
For a readymade platform of dissent against Anna, the simplest, and fastest way of getting the trickle-downs from all over the internet, all on one page is Facebook.
And the only stand we take at MensXP.com is for people who stand up and be counted.
Anna Hazare is NOT India
Anna Hazare is NOT India
Former fighter pilot Shashank Shukla created 'Anna Hazare is NOT India' to speak out against the dangerous precent that Anna Hazare set at Ramlila Maidan.
His page talks bout the “Jan Lokpal Bill and the current Anna Phenomenon”.According to him:“…the issue is correct, the methods being employed by Anna ji of undermining (the) authority of parliamentary democracy sets a very dangerous precedent”
Shashank even planned a“counter-sit-in” on Thursday near the Maidan against Team Anna's protest.Shashank has also mentioned the ignorance of Lokpal supporters when it comes to understanding the Bill.
I am for a non-corrupt democracy, not an Anna Hazare dictatorship.
The Facebook Page URL for this page is actually shorter - Facebook.com/DemocracynotAnna. The most happening Anna-dissent destination on Facebook is also the most thought provoking. Members give perspective to the media hype of #Anna, present individual inquiry into the workings of Lokpal bill, and both Fans and the Page Admin post analytical content from the internet. If Anna was hype, DemocracyNotAnna is a just a few carefully considered Likes, longer, carefully thought comments and a regular eye on the going-ons of the Anna-verse.
Why I Hate Anna Hazare and Co.
Not about hate, but the logical opposite of hate - an indifference to Anna's popstar appeal. A bit of rightful scorn though - it seems to be a cathartic notepad for those who can't speak against Anna in the public domain. Users question the reality of his 12 day fast, the pasts of Team Anna members, and the necessary LOLs that every Facebook Page needs.
Also, busting the few myths floating around on SMS - including the implementation of Lokpal bill in Singapore (its a myth!).
And the Page Admin has agreed to argue against every point you write for the bill.
Against Anna JanLokPal Bill
There's only 45 members right now, but with regular links presenting different perspectives on Anna's protests, an active admin and a critical focus on the Jan Lokpal Bill and Anna Hazare, it is necessary Liking for the Anna-athiest.
There's always people here willing to argue you out of your belief of the Lokpal Bill. Armed with the kind of Lokpal IQ that would give the most righteous Anna fans a pause, comments are supplemented with news, links to other Anti-Anna/Lokpal Facebook pages and Notes breaking down the Bill and it's flaws.
Democracy or Hazare ?
Youngest Female Sarpanch (Village Head) Makes Her Village IT-Enabled
It's a story that's actually many stories.
A village named Soda didn't have water. So the young sarpanch, Chhavi Rajawat (incidentally a young, female MBA graduate) got inquisitive about the funds allocated to the village. Since more had been spent than allocated, she raised funds on her own.
Money came from family and friends - 20 lakh rupees wasn't enough for the Rs 3.5 crore that the reservoir needed.
So Chhavi Rajawat got more even inquisitive about the funds sanctioned to her village. Files at the district headquarters in Tonk revealed a calculation error. Chavi decided to get proactive about the lack of transparency and accountability. Soda thus became India's first IT-enabled village, after tying up with a German software vendor to set up an internet and intranet portal. along with a technology education lab.
The portal allows Soda's 10,000 strong population 24x7 access to the funds sanctioned for the village.
There's also online postings of birth and death certificates, besides posting land records online.
"A fire in Tonk had destroyed land records of many villages," says Rajawat. "This ERP (enterprise resource planning) application will have an electronic database, and store all land records in servers."
Rajawat recently represented India at a recent UN poverty summit.
"Most youth in the village are unemployed, as they don't have higher education due to absence of a college. We want to change that with e-education," says she.
There's even a website, www.soda-india.in where Chavi posts info about funds allocated for projects such as a village bank, community centre for weddings and cataract surgery for the needy.
Theres even plans to link Soda's portal with the state government's websites.This will make Soda the first fully computerized Panchayat in India. While there has been a sanction by the Central government (Rs 4,500 crore) for the e-panchayat project, matters of fund allocation and project monitoring are not clearly mentioned. (MensXP.com)
Source: http://in.lifestyle.yahoo.com/youngest-female-sarpanch-makes-village-enabled-105116396.html