To start with , I have alwyas been a gadget freak all my life and that's entirely because of having 2 elder brothers..
Phones to me play quite a imporatnat role because of my intrest in gadgets ..thats d only reason..
It's not that I can't do without a phone ,I can, but its just my intrest in this that I'm always eager to know and be updated about the latest phones in the market.
I got my first phone when I was in the 10th, it was an ordinary nokia model, ( it was my brothers used phone) I took it school by hiding it in my shorts which we wore under our skirts. It was just a crazy thing I always wanted to do.Then in the 11th I got my brothers second phone and then from d 12th onwards i realized I was very intrested in gadgets my brother too realised I was quite intrested.
And then the jouney of my touch screen phones began which is still on...
I first got the 02 phone when I was in the 12th standard and then in college I got the apple i phone and now I have googles first phone , the nexus one.Using a touch screen initially was a pretty tough job but now It's easier for me to use a touch screen phones, as it make work far more simpler in many ways.
My life has revolved around gadgets for d past 5 years ,thanks to my brother . He keeps me updated abt all the gadgets in the world and I myself regularly keep myself updated.Life without a phone would be very peaceful, but life with a phone makes it easy..
So u obviously can't get a peaceful and easy life so u need to chose one , so i chose an easy life..but still in serach of peace in some way..
Most of us think that people use phones to show off but to me its completely wrong , to me its one's intrest in the phone.. Probably this could be cause a lot of people close to me are also gadget freaks.I'm used to hearing people say to me that I show off by using touch screen phones, but I've stopped caring too much cause I know why I'm using the phone , purely my interests.. I now don't care about what people think, it does not make a difference to my life.
As long as i know I'm gaining knowledge I'm happy..
Phones today I'm sure are owned by every class of perosn..and its nice to see people in the urge to learn about phones.
For instance my mom is so not a gadget person at all , just a month ago she told me she wanted a phone so we got her one and my dad had slowly been teaching her the ways to use it, as I didn't hv the patience to do so..It was nice to see her using the phone, I was really happy when she first sent me a text message, it felt like my mom was intertsed in to know what technology was all about.Phones today I'm sure play a quite important role to all of us but we should be carfelul they dont overpower our thoughts cause we should always remember that we are the ones who have created these phones, let them not rule us...
Ekta Nahar, Chennai